Voice Banking - Tips for capturing your natural-sounding voice right now

The voice cloning technology we are working on isn't easily available for everybody yet but we are working on getting funding that will allow us to make a product that can be widely available. In the meantime, there are actions you can take now to be ready for when it is.

Voice Banking - Tips for capturing your natural-sounding voice right now.

Please use these tips along with your clinician’s expert advice. These are not a substitute for their professional guidance.

The most important thing is to record high-quality samples of your voice. These recordings should sound conversational and as close as possible to how you actually speak.

Below we offer some instructions which may be helpful.

Thanks to Trevor Vaugh for sharing these tips with us.


You can also check out this short video on banking your speech from The Irish Message Banking Project.

Banking your Speech   The Irish Message Banking Project

IMNDA also provide some useful information on MND and communication.

Just get started

Don’t let getting it perfect get in the way of getting started. Work with what you have available. A little bit of recorded audio, even if recorded on your smartphone, is better than no audio at all. Even if you simply read a script into your phone right now it’s better than nothing. If you want to do this, here’s a script you can use. Remember, try to sound natural, not like you’re reading.

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